My Profile:

My photo
I'm a freelance Graphic Designer who has been professionally trained by industry legends, and always pushed by not only myself but my peers and colleagues to produce the most outstanding work possible

Never Give Up

Never Give Up
Never Surrender


Designer by Nature Book




edwards blast

Alien Snob

Alien Snob
In Class assignment for Matte Painting Class

Static Realms Logo

Static Realms Logo
Static Realms Logo

Static Realms Mobile Icon

Static Realms Mobile Icon
Static Realms Mobile Icon

Static Realms Concept

Static Realms Concept
Static Realms Logo Concept

Style mimic

Style mimic
In class assignment to mimic an existing artist's style

Logo for Smokey's Smokeshop

Logo for Smokey's Smokeshop
Logo Concept for Smokey's Smokeshop


Illustration I did for fun one day





Axcel Motorsport Aparell

Axcel Motorsport Aparell
Bomber hat designs for Axcel Motorsports

Axcel Motorsport Aparell

Axcel Motorsport Aparell
Bomber hat designs for Axcel Motorsports

Axcel Motorsport Aparell

Axcel Motorsport Aparell
Bomber Hat designs for Axcel Motorsports

Axcel Motorsports Aparell

Axcel Motorsports Aparell
Beanie designs for Axcel Motorsports

Axcel Motorsport Aparell

Axcel Motorsport Aparell
Beanie Designs for Axcel Motorsports

Axcel Motorsport Aparell

Axcel Motorsport Aparell
more colors again for Axcel Motorsports job

Axcel Motorsport Aparell

Axcel Motorsport Aparell
more color schemes for Axcel Motorsports job

Axcel Motorsport Aparell

Axcel Motorsport Aparell
More color schemes for Axcel Motorsports job

Axcel Motorsport Aparell

Axcel Motorsport Aparell
Glove Designs for Axcel Motorsports

Logo Concepts for Steamline Productions

Steamline Productions logo

Steamline Productions logo
Logo for Steamline Productions


Sunday, December 16, 2012